Saturday, July 20, 2019

Beowulf Attacks the Dragon Essay -- English Literature Essays

Beowulf Attacks the Dragon. Beowulf makes his final boast. He says that, even though he is old, he shall â€Å"still seek battle, perform a deed of fame† by killing the dragon. (Norton59) He doesn't know how to grapple with the dragon, like he did with Grendel, so he will use a sword and shield. He tells his men that the outcome will be â€Å"with us at the wall as fate allots, the ruler of every man.† (59) He tells them to let him fight the monster alone, â€Å"By my courage I will get gold, or war will take your king, dire life-evil.† (60) *These three quotations indicate pagan elements of glory, not Christian.* eowulf approaches the barrow. From the stone arch, he feels the dragon’s fire emanating from within. He shouts at the dragon. The dragon knows he is there and breathes fire. Beowulf hits the dragon with his shield and draws his sword, â€Å"the old heirloom.† (60) The dragon comes forward, â€Å"hastening to his fate,† (60) and breathes fire, but Beowulf is protected by his iron shield. But, â€Å"for the first time, the first day in his life, he might not prevail, since fate did not assign him such glory in battle.† (60) Beowulf strikes the dragon so hard with his sword, that the â€Å"edge failed.† (60) The â€Å"war blade had failed, naked at need, as it ought not to have done, iron good from old times.† (60) *The sword is given living qualities* The poet reminds the reader that â€Å"every man must give up the days that are lent him† (60), an elegaic theme that runs throughout the poem. Beowulf and the dragon come together again. The dragon breathes fire again and, for the first time in the poem, â€Å"he who before had ruled a folk felt harsh pain.† (60) Meanwhile his men flee to the woods, except for one. Wiglaf, s... ... writes; a draughtsman; a writer for another; especially, an offical or public writer; an amanuensis or secretary; a notary; a copyist. 2. (Jewish Hist.) A writer and doctor of the law; one skilled in the law and traditions; one who read and explained the law to the people. The most famous Old English scribe was a monk named Bede Scylfing: 1: the member of a Swedish Links: British Library Board: Pace University Grendel Site: Beowulf Site: Beowulf Book: Bibliography: Dictionary: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary1913, C. & G. Merriam Co. Internet: Text Source: "Beowulf" The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Sixth Edition. Vol. 1. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: Norton 1993

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